Recipes — #brunch

Balsamic Strawberry Kabobs

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Balsamic Strawberry Kabobs
This easy and creative dessert will earn you high marks. Substitute pound cake cubes for the donut holes for grilled strawberry shortcake kabobs. 

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Dill Crème Calamansi Shrimp Bites

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Dill Crème Calamansi Shrimp Bites
These beautiful bites make a light, fresh, and easy low carb appetizer. 

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Whiskey Lemonade

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Whiskey Lemonade
Whether mixing for a couple or a crowd, this cocktail is refreshing and customizable.

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Riviera Spritzer

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Riviera Spritzer
Elegant, floral and bright, this drink is a sun-kissed field of wildflowers, and a nice change from the Mimosa.

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Très Fraise Fizz

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Très Fraise Fizz
Perfect for summer when strawberries are at their peak, this is one of the most refreshing cognac drinks you'll find.

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