Food for Thought

Irish Whiskeys

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Irish Whiskeys
Single malt or grain or blended, Irish whiskeys are a favorite worldwide, due to their exceptional smoothness and easy drinkability. Any time is a perfect time to pour a sipper or mix up an Irish whiskey cocktail. vomFASS Madison has four unique Irish Whiskey expressions, You’ll want to add these interesting and award-winning whiskeys to your collection!

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Time for Red Wine

Posted by Alayne Gardner-Carimi on

Time for Red Wine
As the days become longer but the weather is still cool, sipping on a rich and flavorful red wine can be a great way to enjoy the end of our coldest season.

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A Better Peanut Oil

Posted by b dibble on

A Better Peanut Oil
Not to be confused with a highly processed neutral frying oil, vomFASS Roasted Peanut Oil, Vierge (virgin) has natural roasted nut flavor, adding a delicious layer of elegance to stir fry dishes, seafood, meats, salads, and vegetables.

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